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A proofreading area
Аўтар тэмы: Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona  Identity Verified
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Oct 7, 2007

Sandra, a student member from Cuba, posted this in another thread ( :

Now, I would like to propose an idea for the interchange among the students having as objetive practicing. To create a space where we could find a volunteer who check any traduction and in return we would check theirs works in the opposite pair. Par exemple: a dialogue box which says: checking from french to spanish and I enter my name. in another one: cheking from spanish to french and If I need I could get any volonteer.
I think that would be a good way to know the student each others and to get more practicing.

What do you think about this? What would you like to have in such an area? How would you reward participation?

Wanna hear your ideas!



varennes  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:13
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A proofreading area Oct 7, 2007

I like this idea and would be happy to give it a go! Maybe student kudoz points could be awarded?

Anne Diamantidis
Anne Diamantidis  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:13
Член (ад 2007)
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I love the idea ! Oct 7, 2007

Yep, I do, definitely ! A proofreading area - that's really good, everybody would be able to help each other. That would strenghtens the relations between the community, and be very useful.
Yes, really, that's an excellent idea !

Thanks, Sandra !


Sandra Macías Sigler (X)
Sandra Macías Sigler (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:13
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some notes Oct 8, 2007

The idea comes to me by an "Exchange" I read in the site few days ago. I just want to generalize the experience because everyone could have this necessity too, like me. In many times I have wanted somebody check my work or homework.
As reward participation I think we could accumulate Browniz points or create another category of KudoZ as says varennes.
On the other hand I propose who check in a target language must be a native in that language. If the traduction to check is very la
... See more
The idea comes to me by an "Exchange" I read in the site few days ago. I just want to generalize the experience because everyone could have this necessity too, like me. In many times I have wanted somebody check my work or homework.
As reward participation I think we could accumulate Browniz points or create another category of KudoZ as says varennes.
On the other hand I propose who check in a target language must be a native in that language. If the traduction to check is very large (more 500 mots for example) who wants to be checked could give his e-mail to the other in order to keep in contact nearer.
Well, it's wonderful to be able to express oneself, that's why I love this Translation site. It's amazing. Congratulations ones again to every ProZian who works there. I love you.

Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona  Identity Verified
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Points awarded to profreader and text Oct 8, 2007

I'll throw some ideas for you to play with:

The student who posted the piece awards points to the profreading that was more helpful (similar to KudoZ), but also the piece receives an average mark as a result of the different votes given by the student that helped with profreadinog. Then, each student will have average marks on: the feedback their pieces receive, on their role as correctors and on their participation in the area.

What do you think?

Also: w
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I'll throw some ideas for you to play with:

The student who posted the piece awards points to the profreading that was more helpful (similar to KudoZ), but also the piece receives an average mark as a result of the different votes given by the student that helped with profreadinog. Then, each student will have average marks on: the feedback their pieces receive, on their role as correctors and on their participation in the area.

What do you think?

Also: what about including essays?

I'm all ears...


Sandra Macías Sigler (X)
Sandra Macías Sigler (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:13
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Yes! essays :)) Oct 8, 2007

Hi Sole,
I agree with yours ideas. Of cours we could begin this new area with an essay. I like the name of "CorrectorZ" for the project.
How we are students I propose this area will be able to users too. It will be a very useful tool for them and an important attraction for the site.
Some months ago I proposed a contest among students but anyone answer me. Don't you like this idea? A contest whit persons who has a same level?

Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona  Identity Verified
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An essay contest? Oct 8, 2007

Well great!

I like the idea of a contest on essay writing for StudentZ.

We could choose a topic and type of essay and launch our first contest for students!

How about that?

Megan McLarin (X)
Megan McLarin (X)  Identity Verified
італьянская → англійская
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Excellent! Oct 9, 2007

I'd love to participate in proofreading!! What do you envision for the essay contests, though?

Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona  Identity Verified
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I'll start a new thread to discuss contests Oct 9, 2007

Hi girlZ! (where are the boyZ?)

Let's do one thing: let's continue discussing the proofreading area in this thread, and I will open a new thread to post ideas on students contests.

Otherwise this will be too much like girl talking...

Yamato (X)
Yamato (X)
Local time: 16:13
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A little note of caution Oct 19, 2007


I wanted to drop my two pences.

Now, I think that the proofreading exchange for students is a great idea, something we can all benefit from. Specially if it's not just proofreading, but there is also an exchange between partners, commenting on what could have been improved or said.
I think that no matter the difference in experience, both translators would benefit.

But I wanted to speak out my opinion on two points:

1. We should, IMHO
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I wanted to drop my two pences.

Now, I think that the proofreading exchange for students is a great idea, something we can all benefit from. Specially if it's not just proofreading, but there is also an exchange between partners, commenting on what could have been improved or said.
I think that no matter the difference in experience, both translators would benefit.

But I wanted to speak out my opinion on two points:

1. We should, IMHO, limit proofreading to student or volunteer work. (There could be exceptions, since our first real jobs always feel scary, don't they?)

2. I think the idea of "proofreading kudoz" is unworkable. No, that is not the word, I think that it's, perhaps, not the best approach.

Proofreading is work, it takes much more effort than doing some terminology research and answering a kudoz.
So, doing a proofreading, just to discover that someone got awarded a minute after I started, well, seems unpalatable to me.

I think that there should be an agreement beforehand: you offer the job, some other students takes it up.

At the same time, other students should be able to read the posted text, and offer comments on particular sentences or words, if they feel they have something interesting to add, without having to proofread the whole text.

Again, all that is my humbre opinion.

What do you think?

Manuela Mariño Beltrán (X)
Manuela Mariño Beltrán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:13
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Agree Oct 20, 2007

Hi everyone,

I think one should not work only because there is a possibility to earn points. I think this should be a space to help each other for free, share our experiences and try to improve ourselves.

I think it is not "healthy" to only look for some kind of reward in all we do, in order not to forget that solidarity is an important part of life. We are students and we should not forget that.



[Editado a las 2007-10-
... See more
Hi everyone,

I think one should not work only because there is a possibility to earn points. I think this should be a space to help each other for free, share our experiences and try to improve ourselves.

I think it is not "healthy" to only look for some kind of reward in all we do, in order not to forget that solidarity is an important part of life. We are students and we should not forget that.



[Editado a las 2007-10-20 18:41]

Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona  Identity Verified
англійская → іспанская
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My thoughts on the proofreading area and some more ideas Oct 31, 2007

Thanks guyZ for your feedback. You have thrown some interesting ideas.

Pablo said:
1. We should, IMHO, limit proofreading to student or volunteer work. (There could be exceptions, since our first real jobs always feel scary, don't they?)

Definitely. The idea is to create a space for students to help other students, with their "homework" or first translations as well, why not. But of course we should implement it in a way that nobody takes advantage of your good disposition, time and efforts. Of course we could include NGO's in the equation, probably in a second stage. I think we should concentrate now on creating a good and useful student-student help tool.

2. I think the idea of "proofreading kudoz" is unworkable. No, that is not the word, I think that it's, perhaps, not the best approach.
Proofreading is work, it takes much more effort than doing some terminology research and answering a kudoz.
So, doing a proofreading, just to discover that someone got awarded a minute after I started, well, seems unpalatable to me.

You have your point there too. Yes, surely the word is not "KudoZ" and not the mechanism as well, but definitely the spirit: helping others while I help myself. We could implement it differently of course. Here I throw some ideas:

One possiblity: a student asks for help on a piece for proofreading and sets a deadline for students to offer their help. After this deadline, those who have offered themselves to help submit their feedback within a reasonable time, probably also set by the student that asked for help. After an assessment of the help received, points are awarded to the proofreading that was more helpful -mind you, not necessarily the best.
This process as it is described may take some time -probably days- and we could offer this system for students that can afford the time and are looking for a complete and better quality proofreading from the other part. In this process, third parties may participate voting "agreeing" or "disagreeing" with the feedback provided, and maybe adding on the proofreading as well.

Now, we could also have a "quick proofreading" (name could be another, I'm not good at names) system. That could work like this: a student posts a piece and receives general feedback from other students, not a proofreading work per se, but something on the line of "I suggest this here", "You could consider that there". You may gain bowniz or other kind of points we may implement for this kind of help, not as important as the proofreading points you may gain in the "long term proofreading" (once again, I'm so bad at naming)

What do you think? These are raw ideas, need some rethinking and digesting on my part still, so feedback is more than welcome, specially from you that are going to be using this!

As for awards and/or points, I think that a good idea would be to organize rankings for students individually and for schools altogether, that is, adding and joining the efforts of all the students at a certain school and ranking on that basis. Also, we could have stuff like the student of the month, special awards for the most active students, we could even have a board of senior students that have experience in this area...well possibilities are endless -that's the beauty of this!.

Now, Manu:

I think one should not work only because there is a possibility to earn points. I think this should be a space to help each other for free, share our experiences and try to improve ourselves.

I see your point and you are right, and that's the idea of all this, it's all about helping each other. That's what our community is about.
Also the site is a place where translators and, with our growing student community, also future translators can find tools and opportunities to improve their lives as professionals and/or students. So, the awarding of points to students that help others in proofreading is not only a recognition to your efforts, and for some even an incentive, but also an opportunity that the site can give to active students; the opportunity to enjoy a privileged visibility at the world's leading translation site with the benefits that come with that.

And then again, that extra value of feeling right with yourself when helping others goes without saying. I am sure that most of the people that answered the more than 2 million KudoZ questions so far, have been moved by that feeling more than the points.

On top of that, I don't want to miss an important point, the last item of our mission statement: HAVE FUN! Enjoying yourselves and having a good time when participating, helping and getting involved in stuff is something we should not forget. This new space should be yet another place for students to network, connect and have a good time.

Well, sorry that I got exited with the posting and it went long -no wonder how I never found the time to post this before!

Of course I want to hear from you, all that your great minds have to say about these.

We can make something great out of this, that's for sure. So let's not sleep and miss the train. This is the time here and now.

My kindest regards to you all,



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