Looking for an English to German mentor, Finance, Economics, Energy

需求 - 传帮带辅导
发自: Christian Holthaus
张贴于:Sep 28, 2015
地点: Munich
说明:I started translating earlier this year after a business career of 10+ years in (international) industry associations and with utilities. I specialize in economics - more specifically in Finance and Energy.

For now, I only have one client, an agency active in financial communications. I have already translated 70.000 words for him (updates on market developments, ESG-ratings of companies, RFPs, funds descriptions. and other financial material).

I would very much like to refine my skills and translate more texts - alas, it is difficult to acquire new clients when you just started.

I thus am looking for an experienced translator who would like to be my mentor. I am a very professional person (having worked with high-ranking managers for 10+ years). I will not disappoint you!

对该需求进行讨论Christian Holthaus

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