Competition in this pair is now closed. Source text in Catalan La comunicació empresarial està vivint la seva època daurada. La figura del director de comunicació ha passat d'ocupar un paper secundari a adquirir cada vegada més funcions i a esdevenir, en moltes ocasions, la mà dreta de presidents i consellers delegats de grans corporacions.
Diversos factors apunten en un mateix sentit. L'evolució que ha experimentat aquest sector dintre de les organitzacions, així com la creixent aparició d'agències i consultories especialitzades en aquests serveis, no fan altra cosa que confirmar que la manera de comunicar i de relacionar-se amb els diferents públics de les empreses resulta fonamental per al seu desenvolupament. Un estudi de l'Associació de Directius de Comunicació (Dircom) assegura que el 78% de les empreses disposa d'un departament de comunicació. Les empreses s'han adonat que en aquest entorn empresarial tan competitiu han d'oferir alguna cosa més que un producte. Una bona relació amb tots els seus públics pot suposar un gran avantatge. Per aquest motiu s'explica el creixement del sector, tant a l'interior de les companyies com a través de proveïdors externs, que són les agències i consultories de comunicació, uns aliats importants per als directius d'aquest àmbit.
I és que, amb el temps, les funcions i responsabilitats del director de comunicació han crescut i ara van molt més enllà de l'atenció a les consultes dels mitjans de comunicació. Per tant, les habilitats amb què ha de comptar un director de comunicació van més enllà de saber organitzar una roda de premsa o saber redactar un comunicat. També cal que sàpiga anticipar-se, que tingui una visió empresarial i estratègica i pugui assessorar tota l'organització. Entre les noves funcions que els directors de comunicació desenvolupen s'hi troben la gestió de la marca, l'organització d'esdeveniments, el màrqueting 0 les accions amb els treballadors. En aquest sentit, han hagut de passar molts anys fins que tota l'organització empresarial ha acceptat i ha assumit la presència del departament de comunicació i ha entès que la seva feina és una part més de l'estratègia de la companyia.  | The winning entry has been announced in this pair.There were 5 entries submitted in this pair during the submission phase. The winning entry was determined based on finals round voting by peers.
Competition in this pair is now closed. | Business communication is enjoying its golden era. Chief communication officers no longer play a secondary role; instead, they handle an increasingly wide range of duties and in many cases have become the right hand of major corporations' presidents and CEOs. Various factors point in the same direction. Both the evolution of this activity within organizations and the growing number of new agencies and consultancies specializing in these services definitely prove that the way an enterprise communicates and interacts with its various communities is crucial for its development. According to a study by the Association of Chief Communication Officers, Dircom, 78% of companies have communications departments. Businesses have realized that in today's extremely competitive environment, they need to offer more than just a product. A great relationship with all of their communities may provide a substantial advantage. That is the explanation behind the sector's growth both within companies and externally, due to the emergence of numerous third-party providers, communication agencies and consultancies that are important allies to management in this area. The point is that CCOs' duties and responsibilities have, over time, spread far beyond answering media queries. Consequently, qualifications required of them are no longer limited to the ability to organize a press conference and put together a press release. They also need to know how to stay ahead of the game, have entrepreneurial and strategic vision and offer advice to the entire organization. CCOs' new responsibilities include brand management, event management, marketing and staff relations. In that sense, it has taken many years for entire business organizations to accept and embrace communication departments' involvement and realize that their work is an essential part of company strategy.  | Entry #10180
 Winner Voting points | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
17 | 3 x4 | 2 x2 | 1 x1 |
- 1 user entered 4 "like" tags
- 2 users agreed with "likes" (2 total agrees)
- 3 users entered 9 "dislike" tags
- 3 users agreed with "dislikes" (5 total agrees)
- 1 user disagreed with "dislikes" (1 total disagree)
| Mistranslations only goes to prove that (or something along those lines) | Carol Gullidge | |
enterprise | Other company would sound better | Alex Lago No agrees/disagrees | |
communities | Other audiences would sound better | Alex Lago No agrees/disagrees | |
explanation | Other reason would sound better | Alex Lago No agrees/disagrees | |
qualifications required of them | Spelling the qualifications required from them | Alex Lago No agrees/disagrees | |
entire business organizations | Mistranslations I think business estabishment better fits the original meaning | Alex Lago No agrees/disagrees | |
| Business communications are experiencing their golden age. The figure of the director of communications has moved on from occupying a secondary role to taking on more and more responsibilities and becoming, on many occasions, the right-hand man or woman to the presidents and CEOs of big corporations. A number of factors have coalesced. The way in which this sector has evolved within the organisations, as well as the springing up of agencies and consultancies specialising in these services, only confirm that the way of communicating with and relating to the range of audiences for these companies is fundamental to their development. A study by the Association of Directors of Communications (Dircom) attests that 78% of firms have a communications department. These firms have realised that in such a competitive business environment as this they have to offer something more than a product. A good relationship with all their audiences can be hugely advantageous. This explains the growth in the sector, both internally in the companies and via external providers – these being the communications agencies and consultancies, important bedfellows for the directors in this field. And thus, with the passing of time, the roles and responsibilities of the director of communications have increased and now they extend much further than taking care of dealings with the media. This is why the skills which a director of communications needs to have in his toolbox extend beyond knowing how to organise a press conference or knowing how to draft a press release. It is also essential to be able to be one step ahead, to have business and strategic foresight and to be capable of advising the whole organisation. The new tasks which directors of communication are developing include brand management, event organisation, marketing or activities involving employees. In this regard, many years have had to come and go before the whole business hierarchy has accepted and embraced the presence of the communications department and understood that its work is one more tool in the company’s strategy.
 | Entry #9077
Voting points | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
13 | 2 x4 | 2 x2 | 1 x1 |
- 2 users entered 8 "like" tags
And thus | Flows well nice for "I és que" (or "And so..." | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
in his toolbox | Flows well Nice phrase | keelin feeney No agrees/disagrees | |
- 2 users entered 6 "dislike" tags
- 1 user disagreed with "dislikes" (1 total disagree)
in such a competitive business environment as this they | Inconsistencies over-wordy for this type of article in English (lacks concision) | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 bedfellows | Inconsistencies original idea, but perhaps not quite the best choice here | Carol Gullidge | |
and now they extend | Inconsistencies not concise enough in English for this type of article | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
which | Syntax skills that a director needs (see guardian style guide under that/whic | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
knowing how to | Other repetition, adding unnecessarily to the wordiness | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
| Business communication is going through its very own golden age. The director of communications has gone from playing a secondary role to taking on an increasing range of functions, on many occasions even acting as a right hand to the presidents and CEOs of large corporations. Various factors point in the same direction. The evolution which this sector has undergone within organisations, along with the growing existence of agencies and consulting firms specialising in these services, simply confirm the fact that the way companies communicate and interact with different sections of the public is fundamental to their development. A study by the Association of Directors of Communication (Dircom) shows that 78% of companies have a communications department. Companies have noticed that in a highly competitive business environment they need to offer more than just a product. Maintaining a good relationship with all their consumer audiences can lead to a clear-cut advantage. This explains the growth of the sector, whether in-house or by means of outsourcing to suppliers such as agencies and communications consultants, who become important allies for directors in this field. The functions and responsibilities of the director of communication have been growing over time, and now reach well beyond mere responses to media requests. As a result, the abilities that are now needed by a communications director transcend simply knowing how to organise a press conference or how to draft a communiqué. It is also essential to know how to anticipate events, to have a strategic business vision and to be able to advise the entire organisation. The new functions being developed by directors of communication include brand management, event planning, marketing and staff activities. Seen another way, a number of years have had to pass for all business organisations to accept and even embrace the need for a communications department, having come to understand that the work they do is an integral part of the company’s overall strategy.  | Entry #9515
Voting points | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
12 | 3 x4 | 0 | 0 |
- 1 user entered 8 "like" tags
has gone from playing a secondary role to | Flows well | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
consumer audiences | Good term selection nice! | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
draft a communiqué | Good term selection | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
- 1 user entered 6 "dislike" tags
- 1 user agreed with "dislikes" (2 total agrees)
- 1 user disagreed with "dislikes" (1 total disagree)
very | Inconsistencies the illocutionary particle is perhaps a slight overtranslation here | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 The evolution which | Spelling the evolution that (see guardian style guide, under that/which) | Carol Gullidge | |
confirm | Grammar errors evolution... along with... confirms (singular) | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
suppliers | Inconsistencies I think "providers" wd be better here. Suppliers implies materials | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 The functions and responsibilities of the director of communication have been growing over time | Omission ignores "I és que" | Carol Gullidge | |
| We are living in the golden age of business communications. The figure of director of communications has managed to shake off its once subordinate role to stand, in many cases, shoulder-to-shoulder with the president and chief executive officer in large corporations. A number of factors are responsible for this development. The growth of this field at the heart of organisations, along with the arrival of communications agencies and consultancies, proves that how companies communicate and relate to their public is a priority for their success. A survey conducted by Spain’s Association of Communication Directors (DIRCOM) determined that 78% of companies had a communications department at their disposal. Within such a competitive environment, businesses have come around to the fact that they need to offer more than just a product and that a good rapport with different segments of its public can give a great advantage. This explains why the sector has grown both within the company and through external providers like communications agencies and consultancies, who are important allies for managers in this field. It is also the case that the director of communication’s duties and responsibilites have steadily grown to take on much more than just acting as a media spokesperson. The director’s capabilities must now transcend organising press conferences and writing up press releases. He or she must now be able to think ahead, have a corporate vision and strategy, and be an advisor for all departments. Brand management, execution of public events, marketing and relations with staff are other new obligations which the director of communications must now handle. With all this in mind, a considerable amount of time has had to pass before the company structure has seen fit to accept the existence of the communications department itself, and to realise that its role represents one more element of overall company strategy.
 | Entry #10517
Voting points | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
6 | 1 x4 | 0 | 2 x1 |
- 1 user entered 6 "like" tags
have come around to the fact that | Flows well | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
- 1 user entered 5 "dislike" tags
along with the arrival of communications agencies | Omission ignores creixent | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
proves | Omission ignorees: no fan altra cosa que | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
give | Other prove a great advantage (perhaps? but 'give' is a bit weak) | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
The director’s capabilities | Omission ignores 'per tant' | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
which | Grammar errors that (see guardian style guide, under which or that) | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
| The communication business is experiencing its golden age. The figure of the director of communication has to occupy a secondary role in acquiring ever more features and become, in many cases, the right of presidents and CEOs of large corporations. Several factors point in one direction. The evolution of this sector has experienced within organizations and the increasing emergence of agencies and consultancies that specialize in these services, they do nothing but confirm that the way we communicate and interact with the various public companies is essential for their development. A study by the Communications Management Association (Dircom) ensures that 78% of companies have a communications department. Companies have realized that in this highly competitive business environment must offer something more than a product. A good relationship with all its publics can be a great advantage. This explains why the growth of the sector, both within companies and through outside vendors, agencies and consultancies which are communication, some important allies for managers in this field. And, over time, the roles and responsibilities of the director of communication and now they have grown far beyond the attention to media queries. Therefore, the skills which must have a director of communication beyond knowing they organized a press conference or learn to write a statement. You should also know that anticipate having a business vision and strategic advice to the entire organization. Among the new features that managers can find the communication develop brand management, event planning, marketing 0 shares with employees. In this sense, they had spent many years until all the business organization has accepted and assumed the presence of the department of communication and understands that his job is a part of company strategy.  | Entry #9175
Voting points | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
- 1 user entered 11 "dislike" tags
- 2 users agreed with "dislikes" (2 total agrees)
the right of presidents | Omission mà omitted | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
The evolution of this sector has experienced within organizations and the increasing emergence of agencies and consultancies that specialize in these service | Syntax doesn't make sense in English | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
ensures | Mistranslations asserts? (but not ensures) | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
+1  1 in this highly competitive business environment must offer | Syntax | Carol Gullidge | |
This explains why the growth of the sector, both within companies and through outside vendors, agencies and consultancies which are communication, some important allies for managers in this field. | Syntax doesn't make sense in English | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
And, over time, the roles and responsibilities of the director of communication and now they have grown far beyond the attention to media queries | Syntax not English! | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
Therefore, the skills which must have a director of communication beyond knowing they organized a press conference or learn to write a statement | Spelling sorry, this isn't English either | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
You should also know that anticipate | Spelling Not EN | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
the communication develop brand management | Syntax and so on (sorry, but this is clearly written by a non-native) | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
marketing 0 shares with employees. | Mistranslations doesn't make sense | Carol Gullidge No agrees/disagrees | |
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