The deadline for voting on entries in this language pair has passed. The winner(s) in this pair will soon be announced, if enough votes have been received. Source text in English I'm gonna make my own way,
I'm gonna head downtown,
Walk around, settle down,
Find me a proper drink.
Don't need a helmet
To get me through life,
I walk across the water,
Blame it on foolish pride.
Lifting me up,
Tearing me down,
All you give me is indecision
the classic run-around.
Bringing me higher,
Keeping me whole,
Now I feel like I'm living
Living in a Dust Bowl. | There were 3 entries submitted in this pair during the submission phase, 3 of which were selected by peers to advance to the finals round.Entries may now be compared and ranked by peers to determine the winner(s).
Contestants may not include their own entries among those they designate as the top three in this pair. | Ek skop my eie pad oop, Die pad onnerdorp toe, Kuier hier, kuier daar, Kry 'n lekker ou dop. Soek nie 'n helmet Om deur'ie lewe te kom, Ekke loop oor die water, Ek's windgat, ja, ek is. Jy skop my op, Jy trek my af, Jy kan nie besluit Hol draaie om my rond. Skop my nog hoër, Hou my aanmekaar, Ek's dronk in die kop Soos jy stof opskop. | Entry #24539 — Variant: Not specifiednone
 Winner - 1 user entered 12 "dislike" tags
- 1 user disagreed with "dislikes" (1 total disagree)
skop | Mistranslations Makes for nonsense "Skop" means "Kick". you cannot kick somebody up in the context of what the author wrote. | No comments | |
-1  1 onnerdorp | Other No such word exists in Afrikaans | | |
Kuier hier, kuier daar, | Mistranslations Kuier hier, kuier daar translated means "Visit here, visit there". this is not what the author wrote. | No comments | |
lekker | Mistranslations "lekker" translated "nice" not "proper" correct translation for "proper" would be "behoorlike" | No comments | |
Soek nie 'n helmet | Mistranslations "Soek nie" translation "Not looking for" the author writes "Don't need" translation "benodig nie" / "het nie nodig nie". | No comments | |
Ekke | Grammar errors the word exists but is not a recognised word in Afrikaans and is also used in the wrong context of the language. | No comments | |
Ek's windgat, ja, ek is. | Mistranslations "Ek's wingad, ja ek is", translated means "I am a show off, yes I am". completely incorrect. "Pride" in Afrikaans "Trots" | No comments | |
skop | Other Makes for nonsense "Skop" means "Kick". you cannot kick somebody up in the context of what the author wrote. | No comments | |
Hol | Other there is no such word in Afrikaans other than the use of slang, which really means something very different. (insulting) | No comments | |
Skop | Mistranslations Makes for nonsense "Skop" means "Kick". you cannot kick somebody up in the context of what the author wrote. | No comments | |
Ek's dronk in die kop | Mistranslations Means light headed or drunk. there is no such reference by the author. | No comments | |
Soos jy stof opskop. | Mistranslations means kicking up dust. there is no such reference in the song by the author. | No comments | |
| Ek wandel op my eie pad sommer na onder, na die middestad. Stap 'n bietjie rond, sit dan bietjie weer. Kry 'n stywe dop wat skop. 'n Helm wat my kop beskerm, het ek nie nodig vir die lewe. Ek loop maar oor die water, Blameer my stomme trots. Verhoog my, Verneder my Besluiteloosheid is al wat ek van jou kry; Die ou, ou rond en bont; Neem my na die hoogtes, Laat my heel bly Ek voel nou of ek lewe, 'n Lewe in 'n 'Dust Bowl' lei. | Entry #24608 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Finalist - 2 users entered 3 "like" tags
- 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
-1  1 Kry 'n stywe dop wat skop. | Good term selection Wens ek het hierdie reël in myne gehad! | | |
Die ou, ou rond en bont | Flows well Mooi idiomatiese vertaling. | No comments | |
Ek voel nou of ek lewe, | Other Mooi alterantiewe keuse van woorde in vertaling, maar "Ek voel nou asof ek leef" sou beter vlooi. | No comments | |
- 2 users entered 8 "dislike" tags
- 1 user agreed with "dislikes" (2 total agrees)
+1 sommer na onder, na die middestad. | Other Wanneer 'n mens vertaal, veral 'n liedjie, moet jy ook aan die getal lettergrepe en ritme dink - hierdie reël is heeltemal te lank. | No comments | |
sit dan bietjie weer. | Mistranslations Author does not refer to sitting down a little again as translated here, but rather "settling down". Afrikaans "Raak rustig" or "Rustig raak" | No comments | |
wat my kop beskerm, | Mistranslations The author does not say a "helmet to protect his head" but rather that "he does not need a helmet" translated "Benodig nie 'n helm" | No comments | |
het ek nie nodig vir die lewe. | Mistranslations "Get me through life" correct translation "My deur die lewe kry. Not/nie "Nie nodig vir die lewe", translated means "Not needed for life/living" | No comments | |
Verhoog my, | Mistranslations Wrong meaning and context. "Jy hef my op" would be most suitable. Important note: the authors intent is spiritual not physical, "Jy hef my op" (spiritual context) is used. | No comments | |
Verneder my | Mistranslations "Verneder" is to belittle (bad translation). Konteks nie inlyn met wat die skrywer van die liedjie bedoel het met "Tearing me down" nie. Sou veel eerder se "Breek my af" | No comments | |
Besluiteloosheid | Grammar errors | No comments | |
+1 'n Lewe in 'n 'Dust Bowl' lei. | Omission Ek dink "Dust Bowl" moet vertaal word, nie direk nie, maar in die konteks van die liedjie. | No comments | |
| Ek gaan my eie pad maak, Ek gaan dorpsgbied to gaan, Rond loop, rustig raak, My 'n behoorlike drankie vind. Nie 'n staal dak nodig Om my deur die lewe te kry, Ek loop oor die water, Blammeer dit op eenvoudige trots. Lig my op, Breek my af, Al wat jy my gee is onbeslotenheid die klasieke rondomtalie. Bring my hoer, Behou my heel, Nou voel ek asof ek leef, Lewe in 'n Stof Bak. | Entry #24584 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Finalist - 1 user entered 8 "dislike" tags
- 1 user agreed with "dislikes" (6 total agrees)
- 1 user disagreed with "dislikes" (1 total disagree)
+1  1 dorpsgbied to | Spelling dorpsgbied moet wees dorpsgebied; to moet wees toe | | |
+1  1 Rond loop | Spelling rond loop met 1 woord wees | | |
+1  1 staal dak | Spelling Dit moet 1 woord wees. | | |
+1  1 Blammeer | Spelling Verkeerd gespel - dit moet blameer wees | | |
-1  1 onbeslotenheid | Grammar errors Daar bestaan nie 'n woord soos "onbeslotenheid" nie – dit moet besluiteloosheid wees. | | |
| Spelling Verkeerd gespel - dit moet klassieke wees. | No comments | |
hoer | Spelling Verkeerd gespel - daar is 'n GROOT VERSKIL tussen ('n) hoer en hoër. | No comments | |
| Spelling Stofbak is 1 woord. | No comments | |
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