translation contests »
31st translation contest: "A translator's life" » English to Ukrainian

Competition in this pair is now closed, and the winning entry has been announced.

Discussion and feedback about the competition in this language pair may now be provided by visiting the "Discussion & feedback" page for this pair. Entries may also be individually discussed by clicking the "Discuss" link next to any listed entry.

Source text in English

[...] Translators just didn't get recognition, they didn't expect to make much of a living, just get by. Very few people were actually trained as translators, but most had a solid college education and a solid knowledge of languages, at least their own language. I had a friend who fell exactly into that category and my circle of friends expanded to include other translators. I found them to be much more interesting as people, and discovered that we often had similar life experiences. I never had trouble making friends, but I always felt "different" and I'm sure they felt it too. When my friend retired, she recommended me as her replacement. I now entered the realm of Reinsurance, of which I knew nothing. I was also the only translator there, and didn't have much to fall back on. However, it was another notch up....

On my new job, I started looking through the files, asking questions and got the company to enroll me in Insurance courses. The College of Insurance was across the street, and I consulted fire codes, insurance policies and fire extinguisher catalogs in their library. I was learning what I had never had the luxury of being able to do before: research. The first time I had to translate a proposal for purposes of insurance of a nuclear plant, I got a call from the head man in that department, congratulating me on the job I had done. "Compares favorably with what we are used to," he said. What an upper! What happened was that I consulted a document in the files similar to the one I was tackling for guidance, but when I saw that my predecessor had used the word "nucleus" instead of "core", I realized that the files were useless to me. I went across the street to the library and looked up "nuclear plants." I immediately found all the terminology I needed.

It takes a great deal more than that to be a good translator these days, of course. [...]

The winning entry has been announced in this pair.

There were 9 entries submitted in this pair during the submission phase, 4 of which were selected by peers to advance to the finals round. The winning entry was determined based on finals round voting by peers.

Competition in this pair is now closed.

Entries (9 total; 4 finalists) Expand all entries

Entry #36005 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Andriy Yasharov
Andriy Yasharov
Voting points1st2nd3rd
389 x41 x20
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry4.424.50 (6 ratings)4.33 (6 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 3 users entered 11 "like" tags
  • 3 users agreed with "likes" (4 total agrees)
кінці докупи звести
Flows well
Paul Thomas
більшість мали глибокі знання, отримані в коледжі
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
життєві шляхи
Good term selection
Paul Thomas
Flows well
Danylo Kravchuk
ще однією важливою сходинкою в моїй кар’єрі.
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
Я почала освоювати те, чого раніше не могла собі дозволити — проводити дослідження.
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
щоб похвалити мене за виконану роботу
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
вигідно відрізняється
Flows well
Paul Thomas
Як це було приємно!
Good term selection
Vladimir Izotov
попередниця використовувала термін «ядро» замість «активна зона»
Good term selection
Vladimir Izotov
«атомні електростанції»
Good term selection
Vladimir Izotov
Entry #36343 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Voting points1st2nd3rd
232 x47 x21 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.863.86 (7 ratings)3.86 (7 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 3 users entered 12 "like" tags
  • 4 users agreed with "likes" (6 total agrees)
а лише намагалися зводити кінці з кінцями
Flows well
Danylo Kravchuk
і серед моїх друзів з’явилися й інші перекладачі
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
мали схожий життєвий досвід
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
Мені ніколи не було складно заводити друзів
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
не було звідки очікувати допомоги
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
вихід на новий рівень
Good term selection
Andriy Yasharov
почала переглядати документи
Good term selection
Vladimir Izotov
Я вчилася робити те, для чого раніше не мала можливостей: проводити дослідження
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
і похвалив мою роботу.
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
«Якість краща, ніж та, до якої ми звикли»
Flows well
Danylo Kravchuk
Це було дуже приємно!
Flows well
Andriy Yasharov
стануть мені у пригоді
Good term selection
Andriy Yasharov
Entry #36259 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Voting points1st2nd3rd
132 x41 x23 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.504.00 (5 ratings)3.00 (5 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 4 users entered 9 "like" tags
  • 2 users agreed with "likes" (3 total agrees)
  • 2 users disagreed with "likes" (2 total disagrees)
перебиваючись із хліба на воду
Flows well
Lesia Ponomarenko
Good term selection
Andriy Yasharov
відчуваю себе «білою вороною»
Flows well
TeleHelp Ukraine
ніби кинуте у воду щеня
Flows well
TeleHelp Ukraine
Така допитливість змусила компанію відправити мене на курси страхування.
Flows well
TeleHelp Ukraine
«Набагато якісніше за попередників», — зауважив він.
Flows well
TeleHelp Ukraine
«ядро» замість терміна «активна зона»
Good term selection
Vladimir Izotov
відкинула той «помагач» куди подалі
Flows well
TeleHelp Ukraine
це і знавець мов, і дослідник, і навіть дещо більше
Flows well
Great tran​sformation​!
TeleHelp Ukraine
Entry #36020 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Oleksandr Kylymnyk
Oleksandr Kylymnyk
Voting points1st2nd3rd
5005 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.593.50 (6 ratings)3.67 (6 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 3 users entered 6 "like" tags
  • 1 user agreed with "likes" (2 total agrees)
доволі часто ми поділяли схожий життєвий досвід
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
Мені було легко знаходити друзів
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
Я вчилася робити те, чого раніше не могла собі дозволити — проводити дослідження.
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
відчутно краще того
Flows well
Andriy Yasharov
дійсно надихнуло
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
«ядро атома» замість «ядро реактора»
Good term selection
Вдалий під​бір термін​ів!
Taisiia Gusarova

Non-finalist entries

The following entries were not selected by peers to advance to finals-round voting.

Entry #35239 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Olha Zubkova
Olha Zubkova
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.203.00 (5 ratings)3.40 (5 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 7 "like" tags
  • 1 user agreed with "likes" (4 total agrees)
  • 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
не отримували визнання за свою роботу і мало розраховували на серйозний заробіток
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
пристойну вищу освіту і добре володіли мовами
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
непересічними особистостями
Good term selection
Andriy Yasharov
легко сходилася з людьми
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
вивчала документи
Good term selection
Vladimir Izotov
Я вчилася досліджувати інформацію, адже це було для мене в новинку
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
Найвища похвала, яка тільки могла бути!
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
Entry #34732 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry2.092.17 (6 ratings)2.00 (6 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 8 "like" tags
  • 1 user agreed with "likes" (1 total agree)
не здобували визнання, вони не розраховували на великі прибутки
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
працювали лише задля того, щоб протриматися
Flows well
Danylo Kravchuk
яку цілком можна віднести до цієї групи людей
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
коли до нього увійшли інші перекладачі.
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
ми нерідко мали схожий життєвий досвід
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
Я займався тим, що до цього не мав змоги робити: дослідженням.
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
Який успіх!
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
«ядро» замість «активна зона»
Good term selection
Vladimir Izotov
Entry #34988 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Kalyta Bogdana
Kalyta Bogdana
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry1.751.67 (6 ratings)1.83 (6 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
Хай там як
Flows well
Danylo Kravchuk
Entry #34811 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Kaleem Akbar
Kaleem Akbar
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry1.591.67 (6 ratings)1.50 (6 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 3 "like" tags
схожий життєвий д
Flows well
Vladimir Izotov
пішла на пенсію,
Flows well
Vladyslav Golovaty
Flows well
Vladyslav Golovaty
Entry #35557 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry1.541.50 (6 ratings)1.57 (7 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • No "like" tags