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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Transcription, Training
Інвестыцыі / каштоўныя паперы
Міжнародныя арганізацыі/развіццё/супрацоўніцтва
Рознічны гандаль
Навука (агульнае)
Паэзія і літаратура
Агульнае / размовы / перапіска / віншаванні
Таксама працуе ў галінах:
Юрыспрудэнцыя: патэнты, таварныя знакі, аўтарскія правы
англійская → руская (Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori) італьянская → руская (Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori) англійская → руская (New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters) руская → англійская (Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori) руская → англійская (New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters)
італьянская → англійская (Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori) італьянская → англійская (New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters) руская → італьянская (Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori) руская → італьянская (New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters) англійская → італьянская (Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori) англійская → італьянская (New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters) італьянская → руская (New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters)
Full member of New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters as a translator and interpreter. Language pairs: Russian <> English; Italian <> English; Russian <> Italian.
Education and Training
Oct 2005 – Mar 2009 University of Bologna
Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators
Forli’, Italy
Bachelor of Applied Interlinguistic Communication
Major: Translating and Interpreting from and into Italian, English and Russian
Jul 2007 – Nov 2007 Auckland University
Auckland, New Zealand
Exchange programme: English language and translation studies. Papers passed: Advanced Academic Spoken English, Advanced Academic Written English, Advanced Italian Translation Practice (Postgraduate course)
Sep 2001 – Jun 2005 Belarusian State University
Minsk, Belarus
Bachelor of Arts in Philology
Major: Italian language and literature
Qualifications: Philologist; linguist; Italian language teacher, Italian literature teacherWork experience includes:
- Rugby World Cup 2011: Media Interpreter (after match press-conferences), Official Interpreter of the Russian Rugby Team.
- Translating for immigration New Zealand and New Zealand Qualification Authority 2010-2011;
- Interpreting at Auckland High Court, Auckland Mt. Eden prison and for NZ Customs 2010-2011;
- Interpreting at Auckland Chamber of Commerce (Russian delegation) 2011;
- Interpreting at World Dairy Summit 2010, Auckland, New Zealand;
- Interpreting for business clients at the meetings with lawyers, accountants, banks in New Zealand – 2010;
- Subtitling Ucranian -> English (interview of a Ucranian music group) 2010;
- Interpreting at OMC 2009 (Offshore Mediterranean Conference);
- Translation, interpreting, client liaison and market research for FIERA FORLI – 2008;
- Interpreting (automotive field) for ANCONA PROMUOVE – 2006;
- Translating for Taxis Beverage Commission (15 000 words, EN > IT) – 2006;
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