Języki robocze:
polski > angielski
angielski > polski
francuski > polski

Ewa Chojnowska
Ponad 15 lat w tłumaczeniach PL-EN-FR

Czas lokalny: 06:41 CEST (GMT+2)

Język ojczysty: polski Native in polski
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What Ewa Chojnowska is working on
Jul 21, 2021 (posted via ProZ.com):  A relatively straightforward EN-PL patent on fertilizer production with just one nasty cryptic phrase that prevents me from sending it in... ...more, + 12 other entries »
Total word count: 0

Typ konta Niezależny tłumacz pisemny i/lub ustny
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
Afiliacje This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
Usługi Translation, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Interpreting, Training
Znajomość dziedzin
PatentyMedycyna (ogólne)
Prawo: patenty, znaki towarowe, prawa autorskieBiznes/handel (ogólne)
Finanse (ogólne)Prawo: umowy
Medycyna: opieka zdrowotnaMedycyna: farmacja

KudoZ (PRO) Punkty PRO: 11, Odpowiedzi na pytania 25, Zadane pytania 309
Wykształcenie Master's degree - University of Warsaw
Doświadczenie Lata doświadczenia jako tłumacz: 21. Zarejestrowany od: Apr 2008.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Poświadczenia kwalifikacji angielski > polski (University of Warsaw)
łaciński > polski (University of Warsaw)
polski > angielski (University of Warsaw)
francuski > polski (University of Warsaw)
francuski > angielski (University of Warsaw)

Przynależność do organizacji N/A
Oprogramowanie Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Strona internetowa http://www.serendi.pl
CV/Resume angielski (PDF), francuski (PDF), polski (PDF)
Praktyki zawodowe Ewa Chojnowska popiera ProZ.com's Zasady postępowania.


        Serendi is a one-man, or rather one-woman run business, and the woman is no other than me: Ewa Chojnowska. So far, I have roughly translated approximately 14,000 standard pages across my language combinations. All the translations I deliver are always done by yours truly, never outsourced, so that the client can rest assured that the task is done professionally and timely, and that the final text is thoroughly proofread, verified and properly edited.

    I come from Warsaw, and this is also where I live and work; apart from dealing in translations, I also deliver English and French courses. I was inspired to become a translator one day by two exquisite Polish translators and writers: Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński and Stanisław Barańczak. I acquired linguistic education by pursuing studies in Warsaw, while I owe my experience to many long stays abroad and to day-to-day translational practice that has been ongoing for over eighteen years, now primarily with Diuna, Summa Linguae and Sopoltrad agencies.

    I'm an old-school translator, which means that I allow for no sub-standard work and I give my clients a personal guarantee that the translation they order will be done well, with due diligence and on time. In this task, I am assisted by Microsoft Office pack and CAT software, i.e. SDL Trados - in order to be able to fully tap the potential of the latter I completed a professional training and subsequently passed an exam, which made me a proud holder of the SDL certificate.

    If you have any questions concerning the above or anything at all, don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected].


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Suma punktów: 11
(Wszystkie punkty w kategorii PRO)

Wiodące języki (PRO)
polski > angielski7
angielski > polski4
Wiodące dziedziny ogólne (PRO)
Nauki ścisłe4
Wiodące dziedziny szczegółowe (PRO)
Prawo (ogólne)3

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Słowa kluczowe: Serendi, Polish, English, French, patents, medicine, nuclear medicine, contracts, legal, CAT tools. See more.Serendi, Polish, English, French, patents, medicine, nuclear medicine, contracts, legal, CAT tools, translate, trados, cat, kondracka, translator, professional, agreements. See less.

Ostatnia aktualizacja profilu
Jul 25, 2023