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Poetry with a tune: "Translation of Lyrics"»  Source text notes: англійская

Source text notes should be used to make comments only about the meaning of the source text, or its style, sense, etc. Source texts notes should not be used to discuss translation of the text.

A good source text note is one that clarifies something about the source text, and therefore would be helpful to a person translating that text into any language. The purpose of these notes will be to help those evaluating translations (in any pair) to make well-informed judgments.

Source textPossible source text note
We're lost, but we're making good time.In US English, 'making good time' means 'making good progress' (not 'having fun').
If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be.Grammatically, a contradiction. This adds to the impact of the remark.
I'm not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did.'encyclopedia' sounds like something you could ride to school on. (That's the only reason this quote is notable.)

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Source text segment #3

Then I fumbled in my closet through my clothes And found my cleanest dirty shirt. Then I washed my face and combed my hair And stumbled down the stairs to meet the day.

Notes about this source segment

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this part need rectification
original :

Then I fumbled through my closet for my clothes , And found my cleanest dirty shirt . And I shaved my face and combed my hair And stumbled down the stairs to meet the day
“meet the day”翻译成“终见亮堂”不准确,不知道译者想要表达什么
Prekopah svu odjeću u ormaru
tražeći najčišću od prljave opravu
osvježih lice vodom i počešljah glavu
niz stepenice sjurih se u susret danu
+1 | -1
Ύστερα ψηλάφησα στο ερμάρι μου μέσα στα ενδύματα μου
και βρήκα το πιο καθαρό από τ' ακάθαρτα υποκάμισα μου.
Μετά έπλυνα το πρόσωπο μου, χτένι
Tese 2 sentences are full of slangs: Después manoseé en mi armario por medio de mis ropas encontré mi camisa más limpia de los sucios. Después me lavé mi cara y me peiné, Y dí un traspié hacia abajo en las escaleras para dar con el día

Source text