Translation glossary: Liz Askew's Sp-English medical glossary

Showing entries 301-350 of 790
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fco: frasco Tab: Tableta Amp: AmpollaFAM = Family OR Controlled Drug 
fco: frasco Tab: Tableta Amp: AmpollaFAM = Frasco ampolla (Family OR Controlled Drug not proven by evidence) 
Fecha Ingreso de CuadrículaAdmission Date on hospital record/sheet/datasheet/computer datasheet 
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FEGSfibroesofagogastroscopia (FEGS) - flexible upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (esophago-gastroscopy) 
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fenestración-reubicación con tracción extramucosafenestration and re-positioning/repositioning by extramucosal traction 
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FFSS ConservadosFisk Fatigue Severity Score (FFSS) 
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FGSFGS (Función Global Sistólica [Global Systolic Function]) 
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Ficha Técnica Autorizadaofficial/authorised data sheet 
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figura laboralprofessional role 
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figurasfigures (mitotic) 
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filamento de mocomucus filament 
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fimicos[No previous history of] tuberculosis 
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finalmente conectarlo a un equipo neuromoduladorfinally connecting it to a neurostimulator 
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fistulización al esófago de una colateral aortopulmonarformation of an oesophageal fistula/oesophageal fistula from an aortopulmonary collateral artery 
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fisura costalrib hairline crack 
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fisura en el pectorante a nivel 1Grade 1 pectoral muscle tear 
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focalmente trombóticowith focal thrombosis 
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foco comicialogenoepileptic focus 
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fondo de úlcerasthe base of the ulcers 
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formacion de tercer espacio sanguineoformation of third spacing/third space accumulation of blood 
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formar partemake up part (the cervix and vulva make up part of the lower genital tract [LGT] 
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fractura de metacarpiano - NEUnspecified fracture of metacarpal 
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frenos superior / inferior (de ligamento sacroilíaco anterior)superior and inferior bands 
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frente a panelagainst a panel 
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fuga subclínicasubclinical leak/leakage 
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funcionalismo tras resección[pancreatic] functon after/following resection 
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funcionante por vía humoralthe humoral pathway [from the stomach] is still working/functioning 
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funciones de los circuitos sensores de longitudfunctions of muscle-length (spindle-cell) sensory circuits 
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FVMAverage/Mean Ventricular Rate 
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Gabinet Hemodinàmica CardiacaCardiac Haemodynamics Room/Unit 
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ganglios perceptiblesenlarged/palpable lymph nodes 
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gangrena hallucis dxgangrena del dedo gordo derecho 
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Gasto pulmonarpulmonary blood flow 
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geometría de las masas del cuerpo humanogeometry of body segment masses/geometry of each body segment mass 
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gestos deportivossport movements 
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gomas de desgasterubber cup polishing paste with abrasives 
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Gradiente dinámico mesoventricular izquierdodynamic gradient in the middle of the left ventricle 
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grado de impactacióndegree of impaction 
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graves y bateafall in low frequencies and U-shaped pattern 
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Guardia rotativarotational shift 
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H.C.M.MCH (mean corpuscular he/ae/moglobin) 
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hacerle ganchoclear airway with a hooked index finger 
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hair Outer Root Sheathvaina radicular externa de los folículos pilosos 
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hábito celíacoclassic/classical coeliac/celiac symptoms 
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hábito enólicodrinking habit 
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hematoma a tensiónhaematoma under tension 
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