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Italian to English: Il ritorno: Un anno vissuto pericolosamente General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Source text - Italian Devo smettere di piangere. Oggi però mi sembra impossibile. Troppe emozioni, troppa gente, troppi applausi. Troppa Lazio. Fatico a capire. Barcollo tra la realtà e il sogno. E piango. E tremo. Qui, seduto nello spogliatoio che mi dovrà ospitare per la prossima stagione, ho un nodo alla gola che non mi fa respirare. E il rumore del mio cuore mi tormenta. Batte a una velocità insopportabile e io non sono più in grado di controllare nulla, pensieri e azioni. Accanto a me c’è Giuseppe De Mita, il direttore generale della Lazio. Cerca di calmarmi ma ormai sono crollato, andato. Questa crisi dura da troppo tempo e, sulla tribuna del campo principale del centro sportivo di Formello, i tifosi mi stanno aspettando. Fa caldo. Un caldo infernale. Ma è l’11 agosto, è normale. Quello che non è normale è la quantità di persone che ci sono là fuori. Mi hanno detto che sono almeno cinquemila. Non è possibile. Questa presentazione è stata organizzata in una notte, la gente è in ferie, come hanno fatto a venire qui in cinquemila? Cinquemila persone stanno aspettando me, soltanto me, un tifoso come loro cresciuto tanti anni fa al Quarticciolo. Mi manca il fiato ancora una volta. Ancora lacrime. Mi hanno detto pure che due signore anziane si sono sentite male. Ora penseranno che è colpa mia, mi odieranno, diranno che faccio il divo, invece no. Io sono arrivato qui puntualmente, poco dopo le dieci, quello che si fa attendere è il presidente Lotito.
Translation - English I have to stop crying. Today, though, it seems impossible. Too many emotions, people and applause. Too much Lazio. I struggle to understand it, staggering between dreams and reality, crying. Sat here in the dressing room that must play host to me next season, I have a lump in my throat and can’t breathe; my heartbeat’s browbeating me. It’s beating unbearably fast and I’m in no state to control anything, thoughts or actions. Giuseppe De Mita’s next to me, Lazio’s director general. He’s trying to calm me down but, by now, I’ve collapsed. I’m out of it. This crisis lasts too long and, on the terraces around the pitch at Formello training ground, the fans are waiting for me. It’s hot, like a furnace. It’s August the eleventh, though; that’s normal. What isn’t for me is the number of people out there. They told me there were at least fifty thousand. It’s impossible. This unveiling was organised just last night; people are on holiday. How could fifty thousand come here? Fifty thousand people are waiting just for me, a supporter who grew up – like them – so many years ago as neighbours in Quarticciolo. Once more, I can’t catch my breath, still crying. I even heard two old ladies felt poorly. Now they’ll all think it’s my fault. They’ll hate me; they’ll say I’m a diva, but I know I’m not. I came here right on time, just after ten. It’s the chairman, Lotito, who’s making me wait.
German to English: Goaliath GB54 write-up for Sport-Tiedje General field: Marketing Detailed field: Retail
Source text - German
Hochwertige Bestandteile und eine einfache MontageDie {var:bezeichnung} ist mit einem pulverbeschichteten Stahlmast, einem 137 x 84 cm großen Backboard und mit einer benutzerfreundlichen Quick-Play-Montagefunktion ausgestattet. Diese Funktion gestaltet die Montage so einfach wie nur möglich, sodass sich die teilweise vormontierten Bestandteile und der Pro-Style Breakaway Korb schnell zur fertigen Anlage zusammenfügen lassen. Der Pro-Style Breakaway Korb ist ein federaktivierter Basketballkorb, der sich ähnlich wie die Profi-Basketballkörbe bei Belastung biegt. Darüber hinaus besitzt die {var:bezeichnung} einen Kurbelantrieb, mit dem die Höhe des Korbes stufenlos von 2,3 auf 3,05 m verstellt werden kann.Inground Basketballanlage GB54Die {var:bezeichnung} ist ein Inground-Modell und wird an der ausgewählten Stelle fest in den Boden integriert. Dabei wird der Mast in den Boden versenkt und mit Beton gesichert, wodurch dem Korb eine hohe Stabilität verliehen wird.Großartiges Spielerlebnis mit facettenreichen SpielmöglichkeitenDie {var:bezeichnung} ist für Spieler jeden Alters geeignet und bietet tolle Möglichkeiten für eine abwechslungsreiche Freizeitgestaltung. Egal ob in Teams auf einen Korb, in packenden 1 gegen 1 Duellen oder im entspannten Wurftraining alleine – mit der {var:bezeichnung} spielen Sie wie die Profis direkt bei Ihnen zu Hause!]]>
Translation - English
High-quality components and an easy assembly
The {var:bezeichnung} is equipped with a powder-coated steel pole, a 137 × 84cm large backboard and a quick, user-friendly play assembly function. This function makes assembly as easy as possible, so that the partially pre-assembled components and the Pro-Style Breakaway basket soon combine to complete installation. The Pro-Style Breakaway basket is a spring-activated basketball hoop that bends similarly to professional basketball hoops with a ball through the net. Moreover, {var:bezeichnung} has a crank drive, allowing continual adjustment of the hoop height from 2.3m to 3.05m.
InGround basketball system GB54
The {var:bezeichnung} is an InGround model and is securely inbuilt with the selected position on the ground. As such, the pole is lowered into the ground and secured with concrete, for which reason the basket is afforded high stability.
Great play experience with multifaceted play potential
The {var:bezeichnung} is suitable for players in each age bracket and offers great potential for a varied freetimegestaltung. Whether it’s in teams round the basket, in thrilling one-to-one play or during a laid-back throwabout by yourself ─ with the {var:bezeichnung}, you play like the professionals are right there with you at home!]]>
French to English: Your saviour has given us so much – thank you both! General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - French J’ai un grand bel ours / qui est, avec sa blonde, presque à la base du monde / en faisant leurs courses.
Je leur ai tant dit, / du bonheur qu’ils maximent ─ / cette qualité sublime –, /des mots inédits.
Je n’ai que ces mots – / faute d’argent ou d’avion – /
qui font mon carillon / d’amour vers ces beaux.
Il me connaîtra / pour ce qu’elle dit de moi ;
j’aimerais qu’ils me voient / un jour qui viendra !
Mon amie ! Mon âme / se languit des câlins / de la part du malin / et de toi, sa femme.
Pour mes luttes pesantes, / vous sentir dire « Je t’aime » / m’amène vers l’analème / où mes beaux rêves chantent.
Je vais vous y voir, / si mes mots réussissent / à payer ma vie suisse ; /là, je quitte ma foire.
Pour ce que vous êtes, / tout ce que vous donnez, / pour être si rayonnés : / merci, mes œillettes !
Translation - English I have a lovely big bear / who is, with his fair lady, / almost at the foot of the earth, / there for their honest crust.
I’ve told them so much, / for the happiness they increase – / that sublime quality – / words to be printed.
I have only these words – / lacking both cash and a plane – / to mould the bells / ringing my love for them.
He’ll know me / for what she says of me; / I’d like them to see me, / one day soon coming!
My friend! My soul / yearns for the embrace / by the bright spark / and for yours, his love.
Because of my hard battles, / to hear you say ‘I love you’ / takes me to the heights / where my dreams sing their beauty.
I’ll see you both there, / should my words win me / my bread in Switzerland; / there, I’ll leave my crowds behind.
For all that you are, / all that which you give, / for being so radiant: / Thank you, my wild poppies!
Italian to English: ‘I owe my life to the courageous people of Motta’ General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: History
Source text - Italian «Se sono nato lo devo al coraggio dei mottesi. Non potrò mai
dimenticarlo». Si può riassumere in questa frase la bella storia
di solidarietà dei tempi della seconda guerra mondiale, un ricordo lontano tornato all’improvviso di drammatica attualità. Una storia di solidarietà umana, che nel 1943 ha portato la famiglia di Agostina De Giovanni di Motta Visconti a salvare la vita a due soldati inglesi fuggiti dal campo di prigionia di Garlasco, sulla sponda pavese del fiume Ticino, nascondendoli per due mesi nella soffitta della propria abitazione, in una vecchia corte oggi in via Don Minzoni. Ed è proprio per manifestare la propria gratitudine ai salvatori di suo nonno e a tutta la comunità di Motta – che ai tempi, pur
sapendo degli inglesi nascosti in paese, non ne rivelò mai la presenza ai tedeschi che in paese avevano installato il proprio quartier generale nella centralissima villa del conte Incisa Properzji di Santo Stefano Balbo –, che il cinquantenne inglese Paul Neald, a distanza di quasi 80 anni, ha reso pubblico il “periodo mottese” della fuga verso la salvezza di suo nonno Charles Browne, nato a Liverpool nel 1920, soldato del 2° battaglione Guardie Scozzesi, a soli 18 anni arruolatosi volontario nell’esercito di re Giorgio VI, e mandato in Egitto prima che l’Inghilterra entrasse in guerra. Nel 1942 fu catturato dai tedeschi, e come
prigioniero di guerra, insieme a 300 soldati alleati, fu dapprima recluso nel campo di prigionia di Suoni Ben Adem, poi trasferito in Italia. Da un campo di prigionia all’altro cominciò a risalire il Paese coi tedeschi, da Capua a Porto San Giorgio e su fino a Vigevano. In una notte di settembre del ’43, nel corso di un bivacco che i tedeschi decisero di fare a Garlasco, il soldato Browne e il suo amico di prigionia Bill Davies riuscirono a fuggire, e si diedero alla macchia nei boschi del Ticino.
Translation - English ‘If I’m alive now, I owe it to the bravery of the people of Motta. I’ll never be able to forget it’. In these words can the wonderful story of solidarity during the Second World War be summed up, a distant memory suddenly recalled because of the current dramatic state of play. An account of human solidarity in 1943 that led Agostina De Giovanni’s family in Motta Visconti, outside Milan, to save the life of two English soldiers who’d escaped from the Garlasco prisoner of war camp near Pavia on the banks of the Ticino. The family did so by hiding them for two months in the attic of their own home before an old courtyard nowadays on via Don Minzoni. If only to show his gratitude to his grandfather’s saviours and the entire Motta community who, despite their knowledge that the Englishmen were hidden there, never revealed their whereabouts to the Germans who’d set up headquarters in the villa at the heart of the town’s Incisa Properzji di Santo Stefano Balbo courtyard, Paul Nield (50) has publicised the “Motta stage” of his grandfather Charles Browne’s bid for freedom nearly eighty years ago.
Browne was born in Liverpool in 1920 and was a soldier in the 2nd Battalion of the Scots Guards, having volunteered to serve in the army of King George VI at age eighteen and being sent to Egypt before the United Kingdom entered the war. In 1942, he was captured by the Germans and, as a prisoner of war together with 300 Allied soldiers, was first detained in the prisoner of war camp in Suoni Ben Adem and then moved on to Italy. From one camp to the next, he began to work his way back up the country with the Germans, starting at Capua outside Naples and ending at Vigevano in Lombardy via Porto San Marchio in Marche. One night in September 1943, during a bivouac the Germans decided to carry out at Garlasco, Pvt. Browne and his fellow POW Bill Davies managed to escape, going into hiding in the woods around the Ticino.
Translation education
Master's degree - Bangor University
Years of experience: 4. Registered at Dec 2020. Became a member: Dec 2020.
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I’m a freelance translator, writer and poet just starting out, with competence in at least seven languages and frequent revisiting of others in which I show an interest. I have some experience with HTML, but am also open to translating articles and writings on topics such as history, sport, linguistics, politics, literature, and culture.