Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Glossary of Political Science
Thomson Wadsworth |
English-Spanish Glossary of Important Political Science Terms
Periwork Political Science English-French Glossary
Biorom, based on an original idea by P. Hutchinson |
Version 3.0 of the Periwork Political Science Glossary dates from 2001 (with some later additions) and contains a searchable database of about 1900 terms. Can also be consulted thematically. Click on "glossary database" on the left side.
Online Dictionary of the Social Sciences
Gary Parkinson, Ph.D. and Robert Drislane, Ph.D. | http://socialsciencedictionary.nels...
Social science terms and their definitions. Contains entries with a focus on Canadian society.
Management and labour economics; Economics, sociology, political science
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Новый англо-русский толковый словарь "Менеджмент и экономика труда" свыше 8 000 статей Словарь посвящён управлению персоналом (поиск, отбор, обучение, мотивация и т.д.), а также экономике труда (оплата труда, отпуска, пенсии, пособия, охрана труда и т.д.). Подробно представлены понятия английского и американского трудового права. Толковый а... View more
A glossary of important political science terms. Even though it is organized as an English to Spanish glossary, it can be used both ways by the search function (Ctrl+F in most browsers).