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Mox presents: "The comic life of a translator" » English to Somali » Entry by Abdifatah Aden

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Translation by Abdifatah Aden (#28523)

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I began the revision and realized that it was a humongous pile of excrement produced by Gurgle!

Nonetheless, I delivered a perfect translation... but the customer had my sublime work edited by some illiterate jerk who ruined it!

And they published online my now-defective translation alongside my name!

Waan bilaabay turxaan-bixinta waxaana garwaaqsaday inay ahayd mid khaladaad ka buuxaan oo lagu Hadaaqay!

Si kastaba, waxaan gudbiyay turjumaad qumman... balse macmiilka waxaa u tafatiray hawshaydii quruxneyd nacas aan aqoon laheyn kaasoo halleeyay!

Waxayna ku daabaceen onlaynka turjumadayda oo imminka cilladaysan oo uu bar-bar socdo magacayga!

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