Interpreters » англійская → руская » Science » Навука (агульнае)

The англійская → руская translators listed below specialize in the field of Навука (агульнае). For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

143 results (paying members)

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Specializes in

Irina Chamritski
Irina Chamritski
Native in руская Native in руская, англійская (Variants: US, Australian, New Zealand, UK, Irish) Native in англійская
Life science, pharma patents, chemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, material science, spectroscopy, pharmacology, medicine, ...
Nino Giorgadze
Nino Giorgadze
Native in руская Native in руская, грузінская Native in грузінская
Georgian, Russian, software, website, websites, localization, IT, telecommunications, hardware, networks, ...
Julia Skorohod
Julia Skorohod
Native in руская (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in руская, украінская Native in украінская
Russian, Ukrainian, technical translations, computers, IT, marketing, legal, science, physics, localization, ...
Tania Samsonova
Tania Samsonova
Native in руская (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in руская, англійская (Variant: Canadian) Native in англійская
IT, software, computer, computing, computational, mathematics, scientific, engineering, medical, information, ...
Galina Blankenship
Galina Blankenship
Native in руская (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in руская, англійская (Variants: US, UK) Native in англійская
Russian, Turkish, English, English to Russian, Russian to English, Turkish to English, Turkish to Russian, Translation, Proofreading, Editing, ...
Eugene Efremov
Eugene Efremov
Native in руская (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in руская, украінская Native in украінская, французская Native in французская
French-Russian translator, French-Ukrainian translator, English-Russian translator, English-Ukrainian translator, Russian translator, Ukrainian translator, Paris translator, traducteur français-russe, traducteur anglais-russe, traducteur français-ukrainien, ...
Olga Shvets
Olga Shvets
Native in руская Native in руская, украінская Native in украінская
Translation, Ukrainian, Russian, English, English into Russian, English - Russian translations, English into Ukrainian, English-Ukrainian translations, Business, Investment, ...
Native in руская (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in руская
Переводы с русского на испанский, переводы с испанского на русский, переводы с каталонского на русский, переводы с русского на каталонский, профессиональный русский переводчик в Испании, профессиональный русский переводчик в Барселоне, профессиональный русский переводчик в Каталонии, traducciones profesionales español-ruso, traducciones técnicas español-ruso, traducciones turísticas al ruso, ...
Maria Lapteva
Maria Lapteva
Native in руская Native in руская
veterinary, medicine, microbiology, genetics, biology, quality control, pharmacology, life science
Paul Kremel
Paul Kremel
Native in руская (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in руская, нямецкая (Variant: Germany) Native in нямецкая
high-quality translation services, simultaneous and consecutive interpreting, conference interpreter, technical translations for energy sector, oil and gas gas industry, power generation, engineering, Russian translation, English-Russian, German-Russian translation, ...
svetlana cosquéric
svetlana cosquéric
Native in руская Native in руская
technical translator, science, otolaryngology, cardiology science technologique, science des matériaux, géologie, chimie, médecine, physique, ingénierie адаптирование художественной литературы, ...
Mrs Shell
Mrs Shell
Native in руская Native in руская, украінская Native in украінская
Аўтаматызацыя і робататэхніка, Сельская гаспадарка, Мастацтва, рамёствы, жывапіс, Астраномія і космас, ...
Native in руская (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in руская
Experienced Russian to English and English to Russian individual translator, Hi-Tech, Engineering, Aviation, Space, GPS/ГЛОНАСС, Electronics, Automation, Measurements, Metrology, ...
Native in галандская Native in галандская, фламандская Native in фламандская
English, Dutch, Belgian Dutch, Dutch Dutch, Dutch for Belgium, Dutch for The Netherlands, Hollands, Flemish, French, Russian, ...
Irina Levchenko
Irina Levchenko
Native in украінская Native in украінская, руская Native in руская
תרגום מעברית לרוסית, תרגום מעברית לאוקראינית, תרגום רפואי, תרגום הסכמים, ייפוי כוח לרוסית, ייפוי כוח לאוקראינית, переклад з івриту, переклад на іврит
Angelika Dawson
Angelika Dawson
Native in англійская Native in англійская, руская Native in руская
Technical Translator, Engineering Translations, Conference Interpreter, Localization, Consecutive, Simultaneous, Technical Meetings Translator, On Site Translator, Books Translator, Urgent Translations, ...
Michael Tovbin
Michael Tovbin
Native in англійская (Variant: US) Native in англійская, руская (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in руская
Russian, English, French, law, computers, software, hardware, oil, gas, accounting, ...
Alexander Blumin
Alexander Blumin
Native in руская Native in руская
english, french, russian, techology, software, localization, strings, manual, manuals, instruction, ...
Evgeny Terekhin
Evgeny Terekhin
Native in руская Native in руская
legal, subtitles, SEO, SEO translation, QM, QA, ATA certified, ATA certified English-Russian, voice-over, Russian voice talent, ...
Michael Launer
Michael Launer
Native in англійская (Variant: US) Native in англійская
Хімія; хімічныя навукі і тэхналогіі, Энергетыка / вытворчасць энергіі, Інжынерыя (агульнае), Матэматыка і статыстыка, ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.