Browse links of Лінгвістыка glossaries
Discover or contribute links to translation glossaries about and Лінгвістыка terms.
View all | 326-350 of 457 results
"Define your world." is their motto.
Dictionnaire des termes litt�raires
l'association internationale de litt�rature compar�e |
The dictionary comprises English-Polish and Polish-English dictionaries (EXETER) as well as Webster's, Roget's Thesaurus, Eng-Pl Dictionary of the Internet, Eng-Pl Dictionary of Business, Eng-Pl Dictionary of idiomatic expressions and more
English Romanian Dictionary Online - Dictionar Englez Roman
A dictionary of English slang and colloquialisms |
A very good dictionary of British slang and linguistic item news. Includes Cockney. Must visit!
A well-compiled dictionary of American regional English includes such features as USA map, text section, quiz, query,audio samples,visitors board, contact and links list.
Bibliomania |
Mainly literature: dictionaries (quotations, synonyms, literary sources), thesauri, literary texts, study guides, biographies... and more. Indispensable for literary translators working from or into English.
If you are translating from Italian or into Italian, this on-line dictionary is extremely useful and it can improve your understanding and translation.
Dicionário de calão e expressões idiomáticas do projecto Natura da Universidade do Minho. O Projecto contempla processamento de Linguagem Natural (PLN) com especial ênfase no português. "Este dicionário é simultaneamente um exercício de linguística, de linguagens de programação e de PERL." Contém cerca de 4000 entradas.
Excelent work on Bahia (Brasil) slang
Diferences between Portuguese from Brazil and from Portugal.
Afrikaans 8000 Plus
Mieliestronk |
Approx 8000 Afrikaans words with very high usage frequency, based on a Dutch word list.
Approx 100 instances of faux amis (false friends). Sometimes brief explanations or reference to English.
Approx 600 instances of faux amis (false friends).
Multi-lingual dictionary
Dictionary of literary terms in three languages, comprising terms from classical Arabic literature, as well as modern literary theory
Retrograde Dictionary
Samuel Murray and co-workers |
Approx 120 000 Afrikaans words, sorted in reverse alphabetical order. Can be used as rhyming dictionary.
Word Frequency List
Pharos Publishers |
The 500 most frequently used words in Afrikaans, according to Pharos Publishers' corpus, in HTML format.
This page provides English-Japanese dictionary for English Speaking People. When we seek a Japanese word, we refer English-Japanese dictionary and then Japanese-English dictionary to confirm its meaning. Kanji character is major obstacle on the second process. Therefore, every Kanji character has its correspoinding Kana on this dictionary.
Includes the functions of a rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, and spelling checker, as well as an integrated full-text search engine A searchable archive of user poetry and quotation submissions.
Excelente site para resolução de dúvidas de português. Possibilidade de pesquisa e de colocar questões que serão respondidas por especialistas.
Lovely website where you can find words like "magiric" or "bloviate" explained in depth.
web del periódico EL Mundo. Incluye los seguientes diccionarios: de la Lengua Española, de sinónimos y de antónimos. Además, incluye: de español a inglés, de inglés a español, de español a francés, de francés a español y de medicina
Spanish slang
A small online dictionary for English -Romanian pair and vice versa. There is even a downloadable dictionary available.
Glossário de Termos Linguísticos, iniciativa da Direcção da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística
Jergas (argot, slang, modismos, etc) en español (spanish slang)
English-German Dictionary
Paul Hemetsberger |
The goal of is to make it possible to share your knowledge with the world. Every user is encouraged to add English-German translation proposals into the database.
a useful dictionary in urdu language
Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms in Italian.
Welcome to the HandSpeak™... the #1 site of visual languages, communication, culture and art.
For a quick check-up of everyday words.
All-in-one Webster's Dictionary and Roget's Thesaurus. Words with multiple meanings and several synonyms.
This new electronic dictionary features over 30,000 entries and an array of multimedia, including spoken pronunciations, animations, and colorful illustrations. The unique Word Explorer allows browsing by topic, and hyperlinked synonyms help students find exactly the right word