Browse links of Лінгвістыка glossaries
Discover or contribute links to translation glossaries about and Лінгвістыка terms.
View all | 101-125 of 457 results
Large collection of sayings in Latin and German, though partly not translated. Also more exhaustive offline version available.
The database of various -often deragotary- nicknames given to nations
Contiene más de 30.000 acepciones Divertida, útil e instructiva, esta obra única en su género es un excelente complemento de cualquier buen diccionario español o bilingüe. Recoge sólo voces, acepciones y expresiones usadas de modo exclusivo o preferente en el lenguaje hablado o escrito de las regiones y subregiones de España, América y los terri... View more
Rijeci anarhizama, manje poznatih rijeci i izraza
Sabrana djela Petra Kocica |
Razumijevanje i izgovor vecinom prilagodjen govornicima srpskog jezika, a izbor uzet iz djela Petra Kocica.
Neki italijanizmi i manje poznate rijeci u hrvatskom jeziku
Klape omiskog festivala |
Rijecnik daje prikaz nekih italijanizama i manje poznatih rijeci i njihovo znacenje u hrvatskom jeziku kako su se pojavljivali u hrvatskim dalmatinskim pjesmama.
Turcizmi 1
Danilo Marić - ALIPA�A |
Pojasnjenje rijeci orijentalnog porijekla u bosanskom jeziku i primjeri njihove svakodnevne upotrebe u jeziku. Izbor uzet iz djela "Alipasa" knjizevnika Danila Marica. Izdavac, Udru�enja pisaca Bosne i Hercegovine, Podru�nice HNK, istice: "U ovom popisu manje poznatih riječi objanjenja data su onako kako ih je poimao Dani... View more
Dizionario dei sinonimi e dei contrari
Universit� della Valle d'Aosta |
This glossary provides an explanation to many of the terms frequently used in connection with translation and interpreting. Whether you need to communicate effectively with translators or translation companies, or just want to know what Unicode or translation memory are all about, you’ll find the answers here.
List of several terms used in Japanese calligraphy, with definitions.
helps eliminate common errors in rush translations..
Le but de ce glossaire est de vous aider dans la description des livres
Glossary of Linguistic terms
SIL International Linguistics |
LinguaLinks Library is a collection of electronic reference materials designed to support language fieldwork. This link takes you directly to the Index.
University of Trier (Dictionary Projects) |
Hallo Muttersprachler, ich finde es sensationell, dass es das Grimmsche Wörterbuch jetzt im Internet gibt. Check it out, man! Hintergrund: Die Brüder Grimm, die gleichen, die auch das deutsche Volksgut mit ihren gesammelten Märchen so eindringlich beeinflusst haben, sind auch die Autoren des größten deutsch-deutschen Wörterbuches der deutschen Zung... View more
Glossary of terms used by translators and interpreters
Barinas Translation Consultants |
Terms in the Language Service Industry
The meanings and origins of over 2,000 English sayings, phrases and idioms. There is a forum where you can discuss the meanings and origins of sayings or phrases with people.
WordNet is an online lexical database for the English language. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets. The most recent Windows version of WordNet is 2.1, released in March 2005. You can download it or use it online.
Slang Glossary
Walter Rader |
Halk Dilinde Sa�l�k Deyi�leri S�zl��
Ulusal Gazeteler |
TDK Derleme Sözlüğü'nden derlemeyle Türkiye'nin bütün yörelerinden toplanmış otantik, folklorik, akla hayale sığmaz terimler: "Abanges"ten "Züyüt olmak"a kadar
Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs
Cambridge Dictionaries on line |
English --> Spanish
Francisco Bricio |
English Spanish Dictionary with 24797 total words which are put in alphabetical order.
Spanish-English Internet Online Dictionary. Right now it contains 19,500 entries, less than 14,000 words, separated into several pages.
List of idioms (about animals, business, colours, food and money), with concrete explanations.
W�rterbuch Spanisch-Deutsch
Andreas Robertz |
Spanish-German general Dictionary with words put in alphabetical order.
Spanish monolingual with definitions of terms used locally (Palencia). Se anota el significado de algunas palabras de uso más o menos frecuente en palentino.
Glosario de t�rminos period�sticos
Medios Digitales de COPESA |
Spanish monoligual on journalism with plain definitions of terms.
Hindi-English Bollywood Dictionary on Indian cinematography.
General Dictionary
German monolingual with definitions on translating-interpreting in 2 parts (A - K, L - Z).
Dictionary for Aussie Lingo
Personal glossary |
A glossary of practical Aussie words and phrases.
Divan edebiyatında türler ve sanatlar üzerine örneklerle açıklamalar
Mitoloji Sözlüğü |
mitolojik terimler, yer ve kişi adları
Le fran�ais au Canada
private glossary |
Dictionary of Cuban conversational speech and slang. Phraseological dictionary is promised. (Diccionario fraseólogico en proceso de creación)
Lexicon of Linguistics
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS, Utrecht University |
An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology
Elizabeth Wallis Kraemer, Assistant Professor (Library at Oakland University, Rochester, MI) |
American Sign Language terms
Dizionario del francese dal '500 all'800.