Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Urdu English Dictionary
Managing Director & CEO: Mr. Syed Vaqas Tanveer Chief Technology Officer: Mr. Mohammad Irfan Senior Linguist: Mr. Salamat Bariah Zindani Linguist & DEOs (Pakistan Office) : Mr. Amjad Ali (Incharge) Mr. Muhammad Umar | https://www.urduenglishdictionary.o...
An Online English to Urdu and Urdu to English dictionary with sentence examples and feedback/ suggestions support. Word Search supports search by start word, ending word, containing word besides English Urdu Idioms and Names Search. It also supports Urdu Keyboard and Font.
The World Bank. English-Spanish and Spanish-English Glossary
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank |
This edition of the World Bank Glossary has been revised and expanded by the Terminology Unit of the Bank's Translation, Interpretation and Conference Services Division, in close collaboration with the English and Spanish Translation Sections. The Glossary is intended to assist the Bank's translators and interpreters, other Bank staff using Spanis... View more
Russian to English Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Glossary / Русско-английский толковый словарь биотехнологических и генноинженерных терминов, with appr. 450 terms in the fields of Microbiology, Biochemistry, Immunogenetics, Genetic Engineering, Bioscience, with extensive explanations in Russian. Based on Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering ... View more
При составлении использованы материалы, опубликованные на разных общедоступных источниках и официальных сайтах производителей бытовой техники и электроники.
This is an online English-Slovenian glossary of digital marketing and digital technology terms with useful explanations provided by field experts.
Campbell Scientific Glossary
Campbell Scientific |
This glossary lists the terms that are commonly used in conjunction with Campbell Scientific products and related technology, solutions, and applications. The definitions provided are intentionally brief and serve to explain how we apply these terms.
IT Glossary
Gartner, Inc. |
Technology Defined IT Glossary is your trusted guide to exploring technology terms and definitions, from the world's leading IT research and advisory company.
IT Glossary, a trusted guide to exploring technology terms and definitions
Electronic version of the Hungarian-English dictionary on Information Technology with over 28000 entries.
Technical Glossary by Volkswagen. About 300 entries.
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Development of this dictionary started in 1998 under the editorship of Paul E. Black. This is a dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypal problems, and related definitions. Algorithms include common functions, such as Ackermann's function. Problems include traveling salesman and Byzantine generals. Some entries ... View more
EuroTermBank Consortium |
133 local resources 4 externally linked databases 2 650 976 terms 710 705 entries 221 512 definitions 33 languages; Resources :; IATE (= “Inter-Active Terminology for Europe”); OSTEN The Open Dictionary of Scientific Terminology of the Agricultural Academy in Szczecin; MoBiDic. Subjects: politics, internat... View more
Instituto Universitario de Estudios Marítimos - Íria González Liaño & Ana López Pampín |
Resumen Este artículo surge de la necesidad de contar con terminología técnica relacionada con el ámbito marítimo, en concreto, con el aspecto comercial; desde el inglés como lengua internacional de comunicación, al español, nuestra lengua de trabajo. De hecho, toda la documentación necesaria para llevar a cabo las distintas operaciones para la... View more
InSightec Ltd. is the pioneer and global leader in MR guided focused ultrasound technology.
Glosariu Informatika ho lian Tetun, Portuges, Ingles ho Indonezia
Dili Institute of Technology |
This glossary contains 700 computing terms in Tetun, Portuguese, English and Indonesian.
Tetun-English interactive dictionary
Dili Institute of Technology |
With 7400 Tetun entries and 6800 English ones, this dictionary is suitable for beginner and intermediate language learners. You can search through Tetun or English, or by categories such as health or agriculture.
Thesaurus & Dictionary - very good for searching synonyms/antonyms LLC |
We provide reliable, free online access to millions of English definitions, synonyms, spelling, audio pronunciations, example sentences, and translations from our Web properties at,, and and through our mobile iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and iPad applications and API data services.'s trusted... View more
EuroTermBank Terminology Search
Tilde, EuroTermBank Consortium |
101 local resources, 4 externally linked databases, 2.3M terms, 625 345 entries, 200 000 definitions, 27 languages The EuroTermBank project focuses on harmonisation and consolidation of terminology work in new EU member states, transferring experience from other European Union terminology networks and accumulating competencies and efforts of the... View more
Information Technologyb Term Base
Department of Informatics |
The creation of the Information Technology (IT) TermBase INFORTERM, the registration of all terminological data in it, and their electronic processing have been done and are being done personally by the chairman of the Group ELOT/TE48/OE1 Kostas Valeontis , who has the content responsibility of this website . The access and searching in the IT ... View more
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), located in Helsinki, Finland, manages all REACH and CLP tasks by carrying out or co-coordinating the necessary activities, ensures a consistent implementation at Community level and provides Member States and the European institutions with the best possible scientific advice on questions relating to the safety ... View more
Ozório Paiva Filho |
Pharmaceutical technology glossary
Information technology terms from Portuguese into English
English Macedonian IT Abbreviations_FINAL
Ministry of Information Society |
List of abbreviations used in Information Technology.
Longdo Thai Dictionary Search and Compilation Service
Metamedia Technology |
- Online tools for building collaborative and open bilingual-Thai dictionaries. - Search service for existing available dictionary contents. - Now available -- English - Thai, Japanese - Thai, German - Thai, French - Thai
medical terms
MedicineNet, Inc |
About Us MedicineNet, Inc. - Owned and Operated by WebMD and part of the WebMD Network is an online, healthcare media publishing company. It provides easy-to-read, in-depth, authoritative medical information for consumers via its robust, user-friendly, interactive web site. Since 1996, has had a highly accom... View more EXAMPLES-TECHNICAL TERMS of robotics (ISBN 3000215891): Woerterbuch-Fachbegriffe aus der Robotertechnik -- technical terms / words of robotics Ablegeposition {Robotertechnik} deposit position absetzen {Robotertechnik} set down, to Absolutbewegung {Robotertechnik} absolute motion Abso... View more
A Dictionary of Translation Technology is a comprehensive reference book that covers the major conceptsand terms in translation studies (TS) and computer translation (CAT and MT).
English list of types of radiological scanning equipment. PDF, downloadable.
Nanotechnology Terms
Institute of Nanotechnology |
EN: Searchable, alphabeticised glossary of terms and definitions used in Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology In Cancer
National Cancer Institute |
EN alphabetical and searchable glossary of terms describing nanotechnology used in the diagnosis and treatment of Cancer.
A searchable glossary of terms used in Nanotechnology (English)
This dictionary aims to provide a one-stop source of information about all medical and scientific terms. It contains terms relating to biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, molecular biology, physics, plant biology, radiobiology, science and technology. This dictionary includes acronyms, jargon, theory, conventions, standards, institutions, pro... View more
Electropedia: The World's Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary
Commission Electrotechnique Internationale |
Electropedia (also known as the "IEV Online") is the world's most comprehensive online electrical and electronic terminology database containing more than 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French organized by subject area, with equivalent terms in various other languages: Arabic, Chinese, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Spa... View more
The World's Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary
International Electrotechnical Commission |
Electropedia (also known as the "IEV Online") is the world's most comprehensive online electrical and electronic terminology database containing more than 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French organized by subject area, with equivalent terms in various other languages: Arabic, Chinese, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Spa... View more
Dictionary - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology - English, German, French - The Internet platform for the RAC Industry |
Site offered in English, French, German and Italian covering the refrigeration/air conditioning industry, with a glossary (one language at a time), a multilingual dictionary (En, Fr, Ge, some It) and pertinent legislation (one language at a time).
Dictionary of Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problems
National Institude of Standards and Technology |
A dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypical problems, and related definitions including . Algorithms include common functions, such as Ackermann's function. Problems include traveling salesman and Byzantine generals. Some entries have links to further information and implementations.
Welcome to the Eyenetwatch Biometrics Glossary, this tool is aimed at keeping you up-to-date on the latest terms and technology in the Biometric Industry. It is regularly updated and we welcome input from users, manufacturers and the public on biometric terms they feel would be useful for others.
Music Dictionary Online's primary purpose is, in the case of non-English words and phrases, to offer translations and, more generally, and where appropriate, to offer explanations and comments about general (non-musical) and specialist (i.e. musical, etc.) terms that might be found in musical scores, books on music, web sites, CD notes, concert pro... View more
Educational Terms Glossary
General Directorate for the Development of Instructional Technology, Saudi Ministry of Education |
Arabic > English glossary of educational terms, covering school administration, educational and developmental psychology, pedagogy and much more.
"This database contains 1805 technical terms encountered in the field of plastics technology in 5 languages (German, English, French, Italian, Spanish). A proven aid when communicating with your business colleagues abroad and for translating technical articles in foreign languages. "