translation contests »
Mini-contest 2012: "Yogi Berra Quotes" » English to Latvian

Competition in this pair is now closed, and the winning entry has been announced.

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Composite "best" translation in English to Latvian

Entries submitted in this pair were rated on a per-segment basis. Shown below is a "composite translation" constructed from the top-rated translations for each segment. Click any source or target segment to see more details.

- "I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."

- "When you come to a fork in the road, take it."

- "You can observe a lot just by watchin'."

- "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."

- "I can't concentrate when I'm thinking."

- "The future ain't what it used to be."

- "I'm not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did."

- "We're lost, but we're making good time."

- "Half the lies they tell about me aren't true."

- "A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore."

- "It's like deja-vu, all over again."

- "It ain't over till it's over."

- Mrs. Lindsay: "You certainly look cool." Yogi Berra: "Thanks, you don't look so hot yourself."

- "If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be."
- Es atdotu savu labo roku, ja vien varētu kļūt vienlīdz izveicīgs ar abām.

- "Nonākot krustcelēs, dodies uz priekšu un dari, kā esi izlēmis."

- Daudz ko var novērot, ja vien skatās.

- "Turp neviens vairs nedodas. Tur apgrozās pārāk daudz cilvēku."

- Kad domāju, es nespēju koncentrēties.

- Nākotne vairs nav tāda, kāda tā bija agrāk.

- "Es saviem bērniem enciklopēdiju nepirkšu. Lai iet uz skolu, tāpat kā es to darīju."

Mēs esam apmaldījušies, bet labi pavadām laiku.

- Puse no meliem, ko par mani stāsta, nav patiesība.

- Santīms vairs nav ne graša vērts.

- "Līdzīgi kā deja-vu, visu laiku viens un tas pats."

- Nekas nav beidzies līdz pat beigām.

- Lindsijas kundze: "Jūs esat no vēsajiem tipiņiem." Yogi Berra: "Paldies, pati jau arī nekāda ugunīgā neesat."

- Ja pasaule būtu nevainojama, tā nepastāvētu.