European glossary for wildfires and forest fires

Dr. Robert Stacey (Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service, UK) |

The development and compilation of the glossary has been led by Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service (UK) as lead partner on the EUFOFINET “Theme GP1 – Intervention Strategies/Wildfire and Forest Fire Suppression Tactics”. NFRS was assisted in this substantial task by all of the EUFOFINET partners and a number of external experts around the World, as verified by the substantial list of contributors included within the Acknowledgements. The end result is an impressive English language glossary of more than 800 terms and associated definitions arranged within thirteen thematic chapters. The document is named the “European Glossary for Wildfires and Forest Fires” and has been colour-coded and designed in a user-friendly format to enable its use as both a reference document and training resource.

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