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Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Official documents (diplomas and grade transcripts), 1,800 words.

bacccalauréat, diplôme, masters, brevet


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2 users

  • フランス語 から 英語
  • 1800 words
  • Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Official documents.


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2 users

  • フランス語 から 英語
Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Official documents, to be certified. Keeps me ticking over and stops me from getting rusty, you can say that much for it! Alleviates the boredom of the lockdown ("confinement" here in France) a little.

acte de mariage, acte de décès, l'officier de l'état civil, copie intégrale, conforme


1 user

I Do That

1 user

  • フランス語 から 英語
  • Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Official translations for certification.

certified, l'officier de l'état-civil, officier d'état-civil, acte de naissance, extrait


I Do That

1 user

  • フランス語 から 英語
  • Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Official documents: a one-page university diploma, two pages of university transcripts, 600 words. Then out into the sun and 23°C for my one hour of exercise!


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1 user

  • フランス語 から 英語
  • 600 words
  • 認定書、卒業証書、免許証、履歴書
Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Amendments to the job I delivered yesterday, at the end client's request. Two hours. Answering questions, explaining the translation choices I made, proposing alternative terms. All part of the service.


I Do That

1 user

  • フランス語 から 英語
  • Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finished a set of official documents for a very well-educated lawyer via an agency client, diplomas and grade transcripts, 16 pages and 4,300 words in a day, which is probably my daily record so far this year. Looking forward to the weekend and to enjoying some sun.


I Do That

2 users

  • フランス語 から 英語
  • 4300 words
  • Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs, Grade transcripts
replied from ProZ.com mobile at 00:35 Apr 4, 2020:


replied from ProZ.com at 22:15 Apr 8, 2020:

Thanks Fernanda!

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Working on rest and recuperation (somewhat of a contradiction in terms) and getting deals done with three potential new clients (based in France, in Dubai and in Denmark) that approached me, following a very busy period from 26 December until 31 March.


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Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Manchester United's web content and social media, 200,000 words immediately, then 10,000 words per week. To be completed by 1 April 2021 before midday BST. . . . . . April fool! Poisson d'avril ! (BUT HOW I WISH IT WERE TRUE!)


I Do That

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Still invoicing! I had a busy month.


I Do That

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Several jobs expected in today. Also end-of-month invoicing, as is the practice here in France, where I'm based (payment timeframes, usually 30 days, are calculated from month-end). Don't forget to invoice French clients at the end of the month, or you'll be waiting for another 30 days for payment!!NEW! 25% DISCOUNT during the health crisis. Please see my profile and contact me.


I Do That

  • フランス語 から 英語
Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Personal documents, 400 words approx.: certified translations, one diploma, one marriage certificate. Business is business, despite everything. Stay safe!

acte, certificate, diplôme, diploma, université


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1 user

  • フランス語 から 英語
  • 400 words
  • Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

(Previous WIWO posted: last job before a well-earned break in which I can consider Covid-19 and confinement here in France properly for the first time, and maybe even buy some groceries and printer ink! Surreal times we live in! Be safe!)


I Do That

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Law (contract law), "SALE OF REAL ESTATE PROPERTY AND RIGHTS SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS PRECEDENT", French into English, over 4,000 words (half of the contract only).


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1 user

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Business documents involving the Government of a West African State: insurance documents, product delivery acceptance documents, etc., 3,000+ words. Working over the whole weekend!


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1 user

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Business/corporate: Company Share Transfer Register, FR(LUX)>UK(EN), 200 words.


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1 user

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Marketing (website copy, luxury real estate): 3,000 words, FR>EN, property located in the French Alps.


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1 user

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Personal document, FR>EN (Marriage Certificate, India). Marriage took place in the former French trading post of Pondicherry, interestingly.


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1 user

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Five orders over the weekend! Lucky there's no sport on TV.


1 userI Do That

replied from ProZ.com at 22:22 Apr 8, 2020:

Thanks Anne!

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Personal documents: BA and transcripts, 1,900 words.


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1 user

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Legal (consumer law): summons of a major US multinational company, 2,300 words.


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1 user

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Real estate/marketing: just completed 900 words of marketing copy for a website, on luxury chalets near a major French ski resort that is leased out (the chalets, not the ski resort!)..


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1 user

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Academic documents x 2, birth and marriage certs (three in total), a medical document (a consent form), a marriage cert from West Africa and a criminal record document. A very mixed bag today!


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1 user

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Replying to approaches from potential clients received through ProZ -- because sales & marketing are part of the job too!


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1 user

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Personal documents. Two engineering diplomas, an academic transcript and a work certificate, 1,000 words approx. Not my favourite thing, but you have to bring home the bacon (or the tofu).


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2 users

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

University transcripts for certification (for a geography and development student), approx. 1,000 words. Will be interesting, looking forward to it.


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2 users

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Personal documents, legal and finance (banking), 2,000 words: a property sale document (legal) and a bank statement (finance/banking). Could be interesting!


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2 users

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

4,000 words approx. on an inheritance in Cameroon. Certified translations for use in the UK. I don't get any interruptions on a Sunday, so it's a great working environment.


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1 user

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

4,500 words, financial (the fight against corruption), for a French State body.


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1 user

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

A court summons, 2,500 words, French into English.


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2 users

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

A 2,500-word small claims court (AUDONA) summons, French to English. A dispute about co-ownership association charges. I love legal!


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1 user

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Legal (contract law): share sale agreement, 1,000 words, price €650,000. (Price of sale, not my fee!) Now for some invoicing, as it's the end of the month.


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1 user

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Legal: summons to apper in a Paris court, 2,000 words approx., public holiday and weekend work, no extra fee charged.


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1 user

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Short personal document - a criminal record document


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1 user

  • Map
  • フランス語 から 英語
  • 200 words
  • Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
  • Wordfast
  • 20% complete
  • Working for A small London-based company
Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:



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replied from ProZ.com at 11:49 Jul 25, 2019:

Funniest entry ever :D

replied from ProZ.com at 22:19 Apr 8, 2020:

Actors and freelancers translators rest, we are never unemployed!

Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Two contracts in the area of retail.



I Do That

1 user

  • フランス語 から 英語
  • 13000 words
  • Law: Contract(s)
Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Law (contract law): two contracts on the area of retail, 13,000 words.



I Do That

  • フランス語 から 英語
  • 13000 words
  • Law: Contract(s)
  • 5% complete
Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Legal (contract law): 25,000 words with 25,000 more to come, a commercial lease.


I Do That

1 user

  • フランス語 から 英語
  • 25000 words
  • 5% complete
Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

A certificate of distribution of the assets of a liquidated company, the Articles of Association of another company, using SDL Trados. Total: 6,000 words approx.

assets finance legal articles corporate


I Do That

  • フランス語 から 英語
  • 6000 words
  • Finance (general), Legal
  • 95% complete