Над чем работают переводчики

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Над каким переводческим проектом вы работаете прямо сейчас?
Conor McAuley, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

The 2020s, my THIRD DECADE in the translation business: 2021: January (to date): - 3 x criminal record reports, French (Belgium) into English, 1,000 words. - Apostilled Bachelor's Degree and a non-apostilled Marriage Certificate, French (Canada) into English, 500 words. - MTPE (machine translation post-editing) and checking partial matches, financial documents. A disruptive investment fund's Corporate Social Responsibility Charter (CSR charter), its Prospectus and Key Investor Information. 700 weighted words. - NEW! Voice artist work, a 4½-page script. - A social media audit, social media recommendations and a social media charter, 6,000 words approx., for a group of companies that distributes half a million products worldwide. Life goes on, this time will pass!


I Do That